
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thoughts rendered from J.P. de Caussade's Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence

Sunday, May 8, 2011

We must have much more than a point of view about God

“The heart alone makes the difference.” (Page 18)

As in the singular case of the two thieves on crosses beside Jesus, two men may be experiencing the same conditions, the same sufferings, the same occurrences, and yet for one this is a means to sanctity and to another it is ruin.

It would be a mistake, I think, to simply say that one’s point of view makes all the difference. We are called to have much more than a mere “point of view” about God. If anything, the points of view that all of us have about God are part of the “spurious fullness” that marks the spiritual superficiality upon which we gorge ourselves with gusto.

Of the many calls from Jesus to gather in a believing people – “pick up your cross daily and follow Me,” “you who are weary and heavy-laden, come for rest,” “you who are thirsty, here is water,” for example – at no time did he talk about merely changing one’s point of view. Certainly, it changed, but it did so when people responded in belief, committedly, to God.

My generation loves the idea of God. This places us in the ranks of the group John of the Cross referred to: “Christ is little known by those who consider themselves his friends.”

Knowing how quickly we might dissemble his comment, Father C immediately clarifies:

 “by the heart is meant the will, and sanctity therefore consists in willing what happens to us by god’s design. yes, holiness of heart is a simple fiat, a simple conformity of the will to god’s will.” (Page 18)

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